I thought it would be a fun idea to go through all the diapers we own and do a quick little review on each of them. I will post one pro and one con to each (that is if I can find a con). As of right now, we are up to 29 diapers, 2 Thirsties duo diapers(size 2), 2 Thirsties duo wraps(size 2), 3 BumGenius 4.0 snap pocket diapers (one size), 4 BumGenius 3.0 hook and loop AIO (large), 1 Happy Heinys hook and loop pocket diaper(one size), 2 Tiny Tush snap fitted AIO(one size), 5 unbleached Indian prefolds(medium), 2 GroVia snap AIO (one size), 1 FuzziBunz snap pocket (one size), 7 FuzziBunz snap pocket perfect size(medium). Out of those 29 diapers, we are able to use 24 of them, because the prefolds are currently too small to use as a diaper. However, they work perfect as an insert for extra protection.
Thirsties Duo Wrap: This is a pretty decent cover. I like the leg gussets on the side, which help provide superior protection against leaks. The pattern is flashy (Cool Stripe). and the fit is perfect for P-man's shape. I really don't have anything negative to say. I wish it got more use, as I don't have very many fitted and our prefolds are currently too small. I would highly recommend this cover.
Thirsties Duo Diaper: Instead of being just a cover. This Diaper contains a two-piece diapering system combining an absorbent insert and a waterproof sleeve diaper a.k.a a pocket diaper. Again, this is a fabulous diaper that helps prevent leaks and is super absorbent. It's a bit bulky and I prefer snaps of the hook and loop (velcro closure).
FuzziBunz One Size Pocket Diaper: This is a one sized diaper, so it grows with your baby from 7-35 lbs. This diaper also comes with two different sized inserts. It's a pretty snug fit due to the button-adjusted waist and leg casings. Not only are there a variety of snap settings available, but the leg casings adjust to 8+ button settings and the waist adjusts to 4+ button settings. However, I do believe the perfect size medium seems to be a more "comfortable" fit compared to the one size.
Fuzzibunz Perfect Size Pocket Diaper: I have nothing nothing bad to say about this diaper. This was our first ever cloth diaper purchase due to all the rave reviews. This is a perfect size medium, which fits from 15 - 30 lbs. It comes with one microfiber insert that slides easily into the pocket opening. P-man has yet to leak out of this diaper, and that's with only one insert. This diaper seems to hold onto the ammonia smell compared to others, which has resulted in more "stripping".
BumGenius 3.0 AIO : This is a large sized diaper, which fits from 22-30 lbs. My husband really enjoys the All In Ones over the pockets, because there is no stuffing of inserts (that is if you don't need the added leak protection). This pretty much goes on like a normal 'sposie and very easy to use. Again, not a huge fan of the hook and loop, because of the added wear and tear. This is probably the least bulky of all the diapers in our collection.
BumGenius One Size 4.0 Pocket Diaper: This diaper is new from BumGenius. It's a one sized diaper with snap closures (instead of the hook and loop listed above). The snap closures are flexible and stretchy to help provide a more custom fit. This diaper also comes with two different type of inserts, one for newborns and the other for older babies. The top has a waterproof leakage stopper, which helps prevent leaking at the top of the diaper (perfect for little boys). Nothing bad to say, except the hubby can get frustrated putting this diaper on P-man.
Happy Heinys One Size Pocket Diaper: This is one of my favorite diapers (not because of the adorable Owl print). This has to be the most comfortable diaper on P-man's bottom. It's a one size diaper that fits from 8-35 lbs. Again, comes with two inserts, which can be added for extra protection, which we've had to use. It seems if P-man is in this diaper for a longer period of time, it's more prone to leak. This is another hook and loop closure, but it's more thick and seems more durable compared to the others. Besides the leakage, this diaper is pretty bulky, and only fits under super stretchy pants.
GroVia One Size AIO: The diaper is another all in one (hubby's favorite) and has snap closures. It's a one size, and is supposed to fit a baby from 10 lbs until 35 lbs. However, it seems to have a pretty snug fit, already on the largest setting for P-man. I'm afraid he will outgrow this diaper before he potty trains. I do like how this diaper comes with a snap in soaker option for extra absorbency, did I mention it's organic cotton!? All-in all a pretty decent diaper, but not one of my personal favorites.
Tiny Tush One Size Fitted Diaper: This diaper is a one size diaper fitting a newborn to 35 lbs. It's made out of 100% cotton and will need to be covered (we use the Thirsties duo wrap cover that was mentioned at the beginning of this review). It comes with a snap in liner for extra protection, which is great. If you line dry, this is the perfect diaper for you, for being a cotton diaper, it dries pretty rapidly. We haven't had any leak issues with P-man, but we don't use this diaper consistently. It pretty much gets use when all my other diapers are in the laundry. It does get pretty bulky with the cover, but again, does a fabulous job protecting against leaks.
Unbleached Indian Prefold: These are your "traditional" cloth diapers, the ones you parents and grandparents used. These will needed to be folded to your liking, and then can be closed with either a
Snappi or a safety pin followed by a type of cover for protection. For being one flat sheet of cotton, they are pretty absorbent and extremely soft. We only used these when we first started cloth diapering P-man, and were tricky to use at first. However, with more and more practice you get to be a pro and folding these. If you have a squirmy baby and a hubby who gets confused easily, I would more than likely skip these and go straight to either a pocket diaper or all in one.
Well, those are all the different types of fluff that we own. I hope this helped you all in trying to decide what's best for you and your baby. I'm definitely looking forward to trying out the
AppleCheeks brand, as I won a $10 gift card in a giveaway. So, stay tuned for another review. Hooray for fluff!
**This review comes directly from my own personal experiences and my opinion is that of my own. I was not paid or compensated in any form for this review. All the diapers shown were purchased by me**
This is GREAT girl!! I will come back to this as I buy more. I can tell you put a lot of time into this. Very well done and informative!