Monday, January 10, 2011

Project 365 #2

Since today's blog post was focused on cloth diapering, I thought I would use a picture of my new fluff/accessories for today's Project 365. I've been waiting for almost two weeks for my new items to arrive. Right now, they are in the wash, in hopes of P-man being able to wear them tomorrow. Hooray for new fluff!


  1. I absolutely adore my Fuzzibunz perfect size, cant tell from your pictures if they are one size or not but the perfect size rock!! What "smell" did you get in the Rockin Green?

  2. yay for new fluff!! I have an order that I'm waiting to place as soon as I get some money :)

  3. I want to cloth diaper with my next baby. I only need to get my husband on the wagon. Those are cute.

  4. I CD'd Cupcake for a long while. LOVED it. Didn't have any fancy diapers, but we made do with what we had and it went well. If I were to ever have another baby, I would definitely invest in some Fuzzibunz. :D
