Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day

A snow day is usually something school children just dream of...waking up...looking outside to fresh fallen snow...and then having someone tell them school is canceled. I remember those days all to well, especially growing up in the Midwest where we were prone to significant amounts of snowfall at least once during the winter. One of those came the week of Halloween in 1997, I was a sophomore in high school, and we had a huge snow storm with lightening and thunder. We ended up with 15-20 inches of snow, and an entire week off school. The downfall to all the school closings was having to attend school one hour later than normal for the entire second semester. Anyway, I really thought snow days were something of the past, well at least until my kiddos start school...

I woke up this morning, right around 6 am, to get ready for my MOPS meeting. There was a snow storm predicted, but told us it would hit later on this afternoon. I looked outside, and there was no snow in sight. Our area schools were still on, as was my meeting. Not even 45 minutes later, it started to snow lightly, and then as I was driving to MOPS it began to pick up a lot reducing visibility. We didn't have a huge turn out this morning, due to the weather. However, I had fun getting a mini-manicure, visiting with other mamas, and a yummy waffle breakfast. A little before 11:30, a friend of mine got a text from her hubby, they were being released early due to the weather. I was ecstatic. Yes, military members do get an occasional "snow day". We actually encountered quite a few at our current base, and a few back in Nebraska. It definitely made for an exciting day ahead. Jesse is getting ready to take William out in the snow to go shovel, which in turn gives me a chance to blog. Anyway, it's pretty exciting being able to bring back all those fun memories of "snow days", and being able to share them with your family now. Happy Snow Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for snow days! We made the best of ours yesterday as well. You have a sweet little snow Angel there ;).
