Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fluff Deal of the Day **Maybe Happening Tomorrow**

**This is a repost to give you all the heads up. AppleCheeks gave away a small hint regarding the post below on their Facebook page.**

Baby Half Off is teaming up with AppleCheeks Reusable Diapers to sell their "Little Bundles" at a discounted price. I read about this "steal" on their blog: Little Bundles normally run around $28 for both the envelope cover and insert, so more than likely that $28 price will be cut in half.

This is an amazing deal for such an amazing product. P-man loves his AppleCheeks dipe, and I highly recommend them. The fit is so comfortable on him, especially the elastic waste in the back and up front (where he needs the most room). The insert is very absorbent as well.

Anyway, I wanted to give all my readers the heads up. I have no idea when they will put up this steal, so please keep your eyes peeled to their website. Ready, set, DEAL!!!!!!!!!


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